She Who Is Alive

An Opera Film

a subtle, elegant, ghostly and disturbing thriller

director/composer Erling Wold, libretto Robert Harris, collaboratrix Jim Cave, director of photography Heath Orchard. Featuring Laura Bohn as Dr. Maria Stryker, Nikola Printz as Sonja Rhychal, Hadleigh Adams as the Polemarch Rorman, Bradley Kynard as Berno Ahnanhahr, Lola Miller-Henline as April Jergen, Talya Patrick as the Secretary.
Executive producer Lynne Rutter, production Lyndsay Gauthier, costume Laura Hazlett with Kathleen Crowley, hair and makeup Lisa Zomer, production assistant Desiree Galvez, first AC Jared Tabayoyan and Avery Hudson, gaffer Michael Boomer and Sage Lillaheart.
Fames orchestra: manager Laurent Kopplitz, conductor Sasho Tatarchevski

a coproduction of Erling Wold's Fabrications and Rapt Productions