After all, Wold's music relies on oscillating stylistic diversity. Over long distances, the text is treated rather recitatively, whereby harmony and melody guidance are quite tonally oriented, but yet permeated by expressive harshness. In between, rhythms of pop music and jazz flash: Wold proves to be a compositional glass bead player. [Wolds Musik schließlich setzt auf oszillierende stilistische Vielfalt. Über weite Strecken wird der Text eher rezitativisch behandelt, wobei Harmonik und Melodieführung durchaus tonal orientiert, aber doch von expressiver Herbheit durchzogen sind. Zwischendurch blitzen Rhythmen der Popmusik und des Jazz auf: Wold erweist sich als kompositorischer Glasperlenspieler.] - Voralberg online
The music by the US composer Erling Wold, with whom the director already worked on the operas "Rattensturm" (2018) and "Uksus" (2012), both of which were projects of the Klagenfurt ensemble, is mostly tonal, polystylistic, catchy, and atmospherically accompaniment . Rousing, jazz and pop-oriented rhythms can be found as well as fine lyrical passages. It is implemented in a very concentrated, precise and ambitious manner by the six-member instrumental ensemble of the Camerata Sinfonica Austria under its founder and director Davorin Mori.[Die Musik des US - Komponisten Erling Wold, mit dem der Regisseur schon bei den Opern "Rattensturm" (2018) )und „Uksus“ (2012) zusammengearbeitete, beides waren Projekte des klagenfurter ensemble, ist meist tonal, polystilistisch, eingängig, stimmungsvoll untermalend. Mitreißende, am Jazz und Pop orientierte Rhythmen sind ebenso zu finden wie feine lyrische Passagen. Sie wird vom sechsköpfigen instrumentalensemble der Camerata Sinfonica Austria unter dessen Gründer und Leiter Davorin Mori sehr konzentriert, präzise und ambitioniert umgesetzt.] - Opera Online
On the 16th October 2017, the Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia is murdered with a car bomb. DCG, as it was and is often referred to in Maltese media, published, among other things, its own research on the Panama Papers, the massive leak that revealed a worldwide network of offshore companies in 2016. Using the story of a courageous journalist who paid for her commitment to the truth with life, Daphnes Garten deals with a phenomenon in many countries: corruption.
We meet Daphne in her garden, her refuge. In the end, we will be released back into a garden, a garden where all the murdered who had to die because of their writings sit between the plants. From the beginning it is clear what will happen: This is also a piece about the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia. And between the scenes we will keep taking a look at one of the murderers, George Degiorgio, sitting in his boat and waiting for his brother's call, that call that signals to him: Now she is in the car, now the text that detonates the bomb has to be sent.
Daphne was the living grief box, the mouthpiece, people sent her a lot of information. This means that there is actually a choir that has given Daphne her information, a cacophony of individual voices, the ringing of different telephones, the whisping, the indignation. The choir thus gives the organic background against which the plot unfolds, and in its origin from the depth of the European theatrical language corresponds to the archaic of this vendetta-like murder. The choir is alternately sea, garden, wall, but also the series of politicians, lawyers, businessmen, people with money waiting for laundry. In the end, Brother 1, waiting on the boat, detonates the bomb under the car seat of an investigative journalist, a highly remarkable woman - who made only one mistake: to deal with power.